“Led”, the lighting of the future

By Friday January 29th, 2016 Sin categoría No Comments

In times like this, due to the economic crisis, more and more people think about how could we save more at home. There are plenty advices on the Internet about this issue, in fact, we are planning ourselves to talk about it, in detail, in the near future.

We would like to talk today about the world of the Led lighting and about how did that little red light from our remote control has become a bulb capable to illuminate an entire room itself.


In the beginning, the use of the Leds was limited to the home appliances and remote controls, but with the invention of the blue and white Leds, an entire world of light bulbs arrived to bring us new models with so many different features and colour schemes that trying to buy one can be a bit confusing. We are trying to shed some light on this issue and to give some important information, so you won´t have to carry in your pocket a bulb as a model, whenever you want to buy a new one.bombilla-led-4w-2200k-fibra-filamento-bombillas-decorativas-2

The initial investment, if our idea is to replace all the old incandescent bulbs at home for the new Led ones, may seem too big, due to the price of those. But we can consider it the best investment because of the small amount of energy they use. The Led lighting saves up to 90% more energy than the incandescent ones, and up to 25% more than the energy-efficient ones.

But, is this all we will get? No. Apart of saving energy at home, this lights have many other advantages.

– Their cost may be high, but they promise to last between 10 and 25 years, and they only generate a 2% heat comparing to the old ones so, in 20 years, when most of us will be old and we will finally have to unscrew them we won´t remember how is to get burnt with a bulb.

– They reach 100% of their efficiency from the moment you switch the power on, avoiding unnecessary delays. They don´t contaminate and we can recycle them because the factories don´t use toxic elements to produce them.aigostar

– This new lamps, that don´t need a special maintenance, are resistant to vibrations and shocks, and capable of recreating high fidelity colours very close to the natural light.

– The Led light is directional so it avoids light pollution. There is a perfect Led bulb if we want to illuminate a whole room and another perfect one if we just want to focus on something in particular, like a piece of art, or a special corner of our house,like a reading area could be.

We can say that we know now what the Led lights are but, how do we know which one are the right ones for our house? If you want to figure it out, we invite you to read our next post.

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